Training & Professional Development

Dr. Graves and her team are uniquely positioned to support your training and coaching needs.  Dr. Graves is a trauma informed care subject matter expert at the local, state, national, and international level. As a retired tenured associate professor, Dr. Graves has the ability to bridge research and practice because she has extensive experience in a variety of settings.  As a licensed psychologist, researcher, educator, and community program developer, Dr. Graves’ experience allows her to understand a variety of perspectives across organizations. 

Industries Served

Dr. Graves has worked with the healthcare system, behavioral health (mental health and substance use),  first responders, housing services and individuals experiencing homelessness, domestic violence programs, universities, victim service providers, youth programs, social services, public health, pregnancy prevention programs, juvenile justice, and many other partners.  She is a lead partner with the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and has developed multiple training programs that can be adapted to the unique needs of each entity or program. 

Dr. Graves also works with a diverse team of trainers with a combined 60 years of experience delivering data-driven, tailored trainings and technical assistance to corporations,  community-based agencies, and organizations.  Although we can provide on a variety of topics, we specialize in providing tailored, trauma-informed training and technical assistance. 

  • The verdict is in. Trauma-informed organizations are essential to not only more effective services and programs, but also improved staff well-being and sustainability. Behavioral health, medical, schools, law enforcement, and businsess alike are growing their capacity to be a trauma-informed organization.

    Are you interested in expanding your organization's capacity to be trauma-informed? Take a peek at Kellin's 6-phase plan. We realize that this 6-phase plan may not work for all as each organization is different. Thus, we can develop an individualized trauma-informed training plan based on your organizational needs.

  • Training and technical assistance are different strategies. Training is more focused on building general capacity in a particular content area to improve skills. Technical assistance is focused more on helping an individual or organization with a specific, targeted goal or issue in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

    Our training and technical assistance offerings are tailored to meet your individual needs. It can be delivered in a variety of ways, such as one-on-one trainings, small groups or agency-wide, or through face-to-face, telephone, or web-based methods.

  • Building trauma-informed organizations and programs

    Secondary trauma and Preventing Burnout

    Trauma and Substance Use

    Trauma Sensitive Research

    Social Determinants of Health from a Trauma Lens

    Mental Health and Wellness in the Workplace

    Integrating Resilience-Based Approaches

    Building a Resilient Healthcare Team

    Behind the Mask: Understanding and Assessing Trauma in Children

    Trauma Informed Approaches in Housing and Shelter Settings

    Foundations of Trauma and Trauma Informed Care

    Effective Approaches to Victim Services

    Trauma-Informed Care in the School System

    Trauma-Informed Prevention Programming

    ACES too High: Creating a Framework for Addressing Trauma

    Trauma-Informed Courts

    Integrating Behavioral Health Services and Law Enforcement

    Effective Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Family Violence

    Using the Science of ACEs and Resilience to Build Trauma-Informed Coalitions

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